Hrithik Roshan was recently seen at a Mumbai-based hospital. Hrithik came out of the endoscopy center with his two sons Rehan and Ridhan. Hrithik had climbed the CDO of the hospital with both the sons and was talking to the security guard of the hospital. This time Hrithik Roshan was angry. However, despite the anger, the fans came out in support of him.
As seen in the video, Hrithik Roshan was seen in the hospital with both the children. Ritik questioned the hospital's security guard. However, the security guard did not seem to have given a systematic answer. Hrithik was a little angry at this. He got angry and said loudly, 'Oh, sir, don't tell me whether you are here or there.'
Hrithik Roshan's video has gone viral on social media. Hrithik's fans have supported the actor on this video. One user said, 'Wow, sir speaks despite being angry, respect.' So another one said, 'Celebs are just ordinary people. Anyone can get angry. ' Some commented, 'He is also a man. Being human can make anyone angry. Whatever the reason, only he knows. ' Another said, 'Why is the Greek God being trolled?'
Speaking of Hrithik Roshan's work front, the actor will be working with Deepika Padukone for the first time in 'Fighter'. In addition, Madhu will work in Montana's 'Ramayana'. It is rumored that Hrithik will also be seen in the home production 'Krrish 4'.
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